
Walking Your Dog

Walk Your Dog Week starts tomorrow, October 2nd! We know, for many of you, every week is Walk Your Dog Week. Those daily strolls are actually very important to your canine companion’s health and well-being. October is definitely the perfect time for getting outside with your furry bff. An Aurora, CO local vet discusses—you guessed it—taking Fido for a walk in this article.


Walks aren’t just important for sanitary purposes. They allow your four-legged friend to enjoy a change of scenery, which is very important for his mental health. They also give your pooch a chance to burn off any excess energy he has, so he’ll be calmer and better behaved. Finally, spending that time with your cute pet is just good for bonding.


Clipping Fido onto a leash isn’t exactly rocket science, but there are a few ways to streamline your getting-ready time. Designate a jacket or bag just for walking your canine buddy, and keep anything you may need in that. That includes things like treats, waste baggies, spare keys, a flashlight, a first-aid kit, personal safety devices, ear pods, gloves, and even gum. You’ll only have one thing to grab as you head out the door!


Always put safety first. When going along the side of a road, keep Fido to the outside, and walk towards oncoming traffic. Be sure to wear shoes or boots with good tread. Once it starts getting chilly, this is extra important: you don’t want to slip. At night, stick to well-lit, safe areas, and don’t linger too long. It’s also important to watch the terrain, and veer around potential dangers, such as broken glass. Last but not least, pay attention to your surroundings.


Did you know that you can earn money for dog charities every time you take your canine pal out? There’s an app called Wooftrax, which will track your steps and donate to local shelters based on how far you go. Try it out!

Tail Wags

Autumn will be over before you know it, so take advantage of the weather while you can. Grab some of your favorite tea or coffee, and head to a pretty park or trail. The fresh air, crisp breezes, and beautiful scenery will be good for both you and your pooch.

As your Aurora, CO animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering top-notch veterinary care. Contact us anytime!

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