
Holiday Gifts For Senior Cats

Season’s Greetings! Are you still working on your holiday shopping? Your feline pal will be happy to supervise with wrapping those gifts. She may even try to help! Don’t forget to put something under the tree for your furry little helper. Of course, if Fluffy is a senior, she’ll probably have a different wish list than a kitten would. An Aurora, CO vet lists some great options for older cats in this article.


Kitties in their golden years spend the vast majority of their time either napping, sleeping, snoozing, and dozing, or looking for new spots to nap, sleep, snooze, or doze in. Fluffy will always appreciate having another bed! Thermal beds are a good option, as they stay nice and warm.

Interactive Toys

Did you know that daily play sessions are great for older kitties? Playing can keep Fluffy in shape as she ages. This is very important for your feline buddy’s overall health, strength, and body condition. It’s also good for her mind. Cats have to focus to time those pounces right. This helps keep their brains healthy, just as reading or doing games or puzzles does for older people. Consider getting your pet an automated laser pointer, remote-controlled toy, or interactive smart toy.

Kitty Brushers

Ever notice that sometimes older cats often look a little unkempt? This is because they often have trouble bending and stretching enough to properly groom themselves. Your furry pal may like a brush she can rub against.

Pet Stairs

Fluffy may have a hard time jumping and climbing up to her favorite spots as she ages. Pet ramps or stairs would make life a little easier for her.

Kitty Furniture

Cat towers are purrfect furniture for kitties. However, a tall tower may be difficult for Fluffy to climb. Consider getting her something that is comfy and lower to the ground.


Fortunately for us, our feline overlords don’t have particularly expensive tastes. Fluffy will more than likely be quite pleased with a simple box. Or two. Or ten.

Catnip Bubbles

Did you know that Fluffy can get her favorite plant in bubble form? This is a cute way to get your furry little friend up and moving!

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions about your kitty’s health or care. As your Aurora, CO animal hospital, we are dedicated to offering great service.

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